Kirt Sechooler Jan, 1996
NEWS ITEM: May 23, 1992, with the national debt already
at some 4 trillion dollars, and with the annual interest payments alone 10 times what the
federal government spent on education for the young, Lee Iacocca told a graduating class
at John Hopkins University, "My generation did something to yours that was never done
to us or to any other generation. We didnt pay our debts."
On the surface, the 1994 rout of the Democratic Party in the House and Senate elections
looked as if it was simply a matter of the GOP defeating a tired Democratic Congressional
establishment. And while this was certainly part of what happened, there was much more to
the story. Over the course of the last two and a half decades, American politics has been
essentially defined by a divided form of government, in which Republicans have held the
White House and Democrats have controlled Congress. The breakdown of this pattern, caused
by the GOPs congressional victory last November, marks the beginning of a brand new
cycle in American political history. What is truly remarkable, however, is that even as we
enter into this new cycle, there is still no general understanding of the new era that
will dominate the rest of our lives.
Generational Politics
In order to understand the new political era that we have now entered, it is essential to
see the underlying demographic realities upon which this new cycle rests. The Republicans
who ran and defeated incumbent Democrats in the House of Representatives were primarily
members of the generation born after the Second World War had ended - the Boomers.
The defeated Democrats were mostly members of the Silent Generation - the
generation made up of individuals born during the twenty-year period beginning in the
mid-1920s and ending toward the end of World War Two. The Silent Generation Democrats
themselves had come to Congressional power twenty years earlier in the wake of the
Watergate scandals, when they replaced members of the still older G.I. Generation
in Congress.
Divided Government: GIs and Silents
The divided government of the past two decades has not been do to a whim on the part of
the American people, nor a caprice of history. Rather, the secret reality of the past
twenty years is that divided government has been the political manifestation of a tacit
alliance between members of the two older cohort group - the G.I.s and the Silents,
in which members of the G.I. Generation have controlled the Presidency and Silent
Generation cohorts have dominated Congress, especially the House of
Representatives. The fact that two political parties have been involved in this alliance
has obscured the generational nature of the era. Nevertheless, the truth is that the last
twenty years have been overwhelmingly dominated by the political and economic agendas set
by these two older cohort groups.
Indexing Social Security
The impact on American politics of this generational agenda can be seen in a wide variety
of areas, none more important or far reaching, however, then in the areas of Social
Security and taxation. To begin to see this, one has only to remember one of the first
things that the Democratic Silents did upon coming to power in the 1970s was
to index Social Security to the cost of living. This action was hardly abhorrent to
members of the G.I. Generation who were then either retired or contemplating
retirement. In fact, until it failed them in 1994, Social Security was the single most
important issue that Democratic members of the Silent Generation had going for them
in maintaining their twenty year domination of Congress.
We Are Spending Our Children's Inheritance
What Has Posterity Ever Done For Me?
- Bumper stickers from the 1980s
The Reagan Years
The generational effect on taxes goes back two decades, when after an unsuccessful
experiment with undivided government during the Carter Administration, Ronald
Reagan was elected President. Reagan was both a G.I. and a Republican, and the
Reagan Administration itself represented a watershed in generational politics. By
Reagans election in 1980 it was clear that the cost of living adjustment to Social
Security mandated by Congress would bankrupt the Social Security system if nothing was
done about it. Acting upon the recommendations of a commission headed by Allan Greenspan,
now head of the Federal Reserve System, Congress enacted a series of monumentally steep
increases in the Social Security payroll tax. In addition, Ronald Reagan carried out his
campaign pledge to cut the top brackets of the regular income tax.
Generational Winners
The tax laws enacted in the 1970s and early 1980s had an enormous impact on
the entire U.S. economy. Think for a moment, the G.I. Generation was born in the
years between 1905 and 1925 with the median year being 1915. If you were born in 1915 you
would have reached 65 years of age in 1980. By then your Social Security benefits would
have been tied to the cost of living by a Democratically controlled Congress; your regular
income tax rate on your pension, rental income and interest and dividend income would have
been dramatically cut at the urging of a Republican President, and as a retiree you would
have incurred no increase in your Social Security tax because your pension benefits,
rental income and dividend and interest income were not subject to that tax in the first
place. For a member of the G.I. Generation, divided government was the best of all
possible forms of government.
For the Silents, junior
partners in the alliance with the G.I.s, things were only slightly less good.
Members of the Silent Generation were entering their peak earning years around 1980
so that the dramatic reductions in regular income tax rates came at a perfect time for
their generation. And since Social Security taxes stopped once you reached a certain
income limit, the increases in Social Security tax rates were more then offset by cuts in
the regular tax rates.
Generational Losers
The Boomers and later the X Generation members did not do nearly as well as
a result of the seventies and early eighties legislation. Except for a handful of older Boomers,
the increases in Social Security taxes foisted upon them more than cancelled out any
benefits from a decrease in marginal income tax rates. Those increases in Social Security
taxes were among the steepest increases in any tax in history. For example, in 1955 the
maximum employee Social Security tax was fifty six dollars a year, by 1995 that
maximum has risen to almost $3,800 plus an additional amount for Medicare.
In order to fully comprehend just how steep this increase was, one has only to realize
that had the median income of the mid-1950s of $5,000 increased at the same rate
that Social Security taxes increased, the average family would today be earning
approximately $339,000 per year. The effect on Generation X members of those
unprecedented increases in Social Security taxes can be seen by the fact that a vast
majority of the members of that generation now actually pay more in Social Security
taxes then in regular income tax.
Generationally Regressive Tax Policies
In essence the changes in Social Security and tax law effected in the 1970s and
80s can be best comprehended by understanding two essential and interrelated
concepts of taxation -- progressive taxation and regressive taxation. A progressive tax
structure is one in which, as you earn more, each additional increase in income is subject
to a progressively higher rate of tax. A regressive tax structure is one in which the less
you make the higher the percentage of your income that goes to taxes.
Now, when viewed from a generational standpoint, those changes in regular and Social
Security taxes enacted in the period in question moved America from the progressive tax
structure that had been in place for over four generations to a highly regressive one. The
progressive tax structure that was replaced in the 1970s and 1980s existed throughout the
early adulthood of both the G.I. and the Silent Generations, and it was one
of the chief reasons why those two generations enjoyed the prosperity they did. And no
matter what anyone tells you, the generationally regressive tax policies of the Federal
government represents one of the key reasons why younger Americans not only feel less well
off then their parents, but are, in fact, actually doing less well than previous
generations have done.
The Republican Dilemma
This brings us back to the current dilemma confronting the Republican Party. Todays
budget crisis is only the opening move of a advancing, great political battle. Beyond the
exploding costs of Social Security and Medicare benefits themselves (the two prime forces
driving the Federal budget crisis) is the issue of the highly regressive generational tax
policies of the Federal government. The 1994 Congressional elections were just the
beginning of the rise to power of the Boomer and X Generations. For the
Republican Party to emerge as the majority party in this country, it will have to lead the
nation in a reordering of the entire generational agenda set in the 1970s and early
80s. No political party can retain its control of power unless it comes to terms
with the new demographic configuration now emerging. If the Republicans cannot do this,
their grip on power will prove as tenuous as the Democrats. mmm
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